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A “not too horrible” general gaming podcast in production for more years than we care to admit.

Dice are our vice.

Jan 30, 2017

Eric Teo, digital game developer and host of the "Push Your Luck!" podcast, joins us in the third chair.

Up first Eric shares his discoveries of the complexity of mobile app design.  What did he learn developing his and what challenges have others run into trying to adapt board games to mobile apps?

Later we dive into Seafall by Plaid Hat games.  It has been receiving mixed reviews since it's launch.  How does it compare to other legacy games, and is it fun?


All that plus: 

- Total Fan Girl
- Do You Ever Notice
- App of the Ep (Might & Magic: Showdown)
-  & More

If you'd like to discuss the show with us and others in our forum thread: click here.


The following fine organizations help make this show possible:



 ==Quick Reference==

App of the Ep: 51 min - Might & Magic Showdown

Game App Development: 58 min

Total Fan Girl: 1 hr 43 min

Seafall:  1 hr 50 min


 Links Discussed in the show:

Craig's Blog:

Russ's Blog:

Total Fan Girl Blog: Link

Dice Tower Network: Link