Feb 28, 2018
Up first we catch up with Mike on all the doings at Firelock and what the latest hotness is for Blood and Plunder.
Later Hank Edley, of the Adepticon Council, joins us in a rarely seen 4th chair! Together we all talk about Adepticon and in particular what there...
Feb 26, 2018
Mike Tunez, of Firelock Games, joins us at our favorite donut shop as we discuss some of our favorite books featuring naval combat.
Feb 24, 2018
Up first we all discuss the appeal of long form games and Ambie fills us in on the world of 18XX gaming.
Later Ambie, Craig and Russ discuss Escape rooms and why they particularly appeal to gamers.
Feb 7, 2018
Ambie, from the Boardgame Blitz podcast, joins us as we talk about some of our favorite Anime shows.
Feb 1, 2018
Later Craig and Russ discuss techniques they use to paint large armies quickly.