Jul 17, 2014
Pat Lewis, North American community manager for Mantic Games, joins us in the third chair!
We take this opportunity to dive deep into the Deadzone campaign system. How does it work? What do we like about it? How does it address classic campign issues from games of old?
But first we catch up a bit with Pat, how did he...
Jul 9, 2014
Sean Benson of Outlaw Miniatures joins us to talk about what we should consider when choosing a faction for a new miniature war game.
Jul 1, 2014
Garrett "Ensign Kim" Wang is in the third chair!
Our first real actor! We chat with Garrett on what games he played as a lad, and how he got onto Voyager and totally geek out on Star Trek.
Later we have our first ever "Patron Palavor"... yep, we recorded a Skype call with a bunch of our Patreon patrons.
All that and our...