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A “not too horrible” general gaming podcast in production for more years than we care to admit.

Dice are our vice.

Oct 30, 2013

Raef "Hollywood" Granger returns and helps Craig and Russ talk about various  campaign mechanics seen in boardgames.

Win a Dropzone Commander Starter set painted by Craig!

Oct 17, 2013

Win a complete Dropzone Commander starter set with models assembled and painted by our own Craig Gallant. Many ways to score entries in the contest...see details below: a Rafflecopter giveaway

Oct 17, 2013

Famed Welsh storyteller Own Staton joins Craig and Russ this week in the third chair! Since we have a story teller we thought it might be fun to see what happens when you throw out a character concept and let him run wild creating an on-the-spot backstory.  Join us as Russ grabs character key words from a variety of RPG...

Oct 8, 2013

In book 63 Owen Staton, famed Welsh story teller, joins Craig and Russ discuss story telling in games.

Click here to view the full Lost Chapter...