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A “not too horrible” general gaming podcast in production for more years than we care to admit.

Dice are our vice.

Jun 28, 2012

Luke Retallack joins us in the third chair. Luke is the man behind the mic at Worlds End Radio podcast and has been a force in organizing western Australia miniature wargaming for many years.

Up first Luke, Craig, and Russ have lured Raef "Hollywood" Granger back onto the show to discuss his kickstarter documentary...

Jun 20, 2012

In Book 35 of the Lost Chapters Luke Retallack of World's End Radio joins us to discuss how to build a gaming community.

Jun 12, 2012

Rodney Smith joins us in the third chair. Rodney is the man behind the "Watch It Played" Youtube chanel which features both teaching new board games and allowing viewers to play along by voting for the next move.

Up first Rodney, Craig, and Russ discuss boardgame videography. What does it take to make a board game...

Jun 9, 2012

In Book 34 of the Lost Chapters Rodney Smith, of the Watch It Played YouTube channel, join Russ and Craig to discuss how to get your kids interested in 'serious' board games.

Watch It Played:

Jun 3, 2012

Neil Fawcett joins Craig and Russ in the third chair. Neil has lead Spartan Games through the uncharted seas of the miniature gaming industry, through the firestorm of competition, and emerged with a rather successful miniature war gaming company. (See what I did there? Couldn't quite fit dystopian in...)

Up first,...