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A “not too horrible” general gaming podcast in production for more years than we care to admit.

Dice are our vice.

Mar 31, 2012

Raef returns to the third chair to help us celebrate episode 100!! Thanks to all our listeners who helped encourage us to make it this far. This episode is for you.

Up first its a segment that only Raef can dream up: Raef's round table in which Raef asks Russ and Craig all kinds of random questions. What could...

Mar 29, 2012

Raef returns to the Lost Chapters with Craig and Russ to discuss his favorite TV show: The Walking Dead!

Mar 21, 2012

Angelo Lombardi has been an interview guest on the show in the past, and now he joins us in the third chair. Angelo is the somewhat rare "executive gamer" finding time to game between his duties as COO of a national hotel chain.

Since we had such a busy person on the show we thought it would be a good opportunity...

Mar 16, 2012

In book 28 Angelo Lombardi joins Craig and Russ to discuss the ultimate gaming lair.