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A “not too horrible” general gaming podcast in production for more years than we care to admit.

Dice are our vice.

Nov 24, 2009

It's time for the 2009 year in review!!  Ok, well perhaps it is a bit early, but we thought since the holidays are upon us why not give the status on the games we talked about this year?  Along with some of our thoughts on the state of the industry.

But before that, Russ reports on his and Nicole's adventures at Carnage...

Nov 10, 2009

We've been boarded by pirates, er privateers! 

The D6G team tackles the new board game Grind from Privateer Press.  How exactly do massive steam jacks play sports?  Now we know.

But before that, we chat with friend of the show Norbert about his group's latest charity efforts.  And we finally get around to listening to...