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A “not too horrible” general gaming podcast in production for more years than we care to admit.

Dice are our vice.

Help Spread Some D6G Love

May 28, 2009

Like our show?  Want to help others find us?  Already left an iTunes review but still feel like shouting: "The D6 Generation is not too horrible!" to the rest of the world?  Or maybe your just like Raef and can't figure out iTunes at all...

If you feel this need, why not vote for us over at PodCastAlley?  They keep...

New D6G Merchandise

May 28, 2009

Thanks to a great suggestion from Australian listener Andy Ray, we're proud to announce our new children's line of D6G shirts: 

And don't forget, with just a few clicks you can change the color and/or style of just about any product.

Color change examples: (White/Blue/Pink)


Style change examples:



Click here...

May 28, 2009

Episode 32 covers ways to enhance your games with technology.  First we have an Interview with Jay Waschak of VBAM games.  Jay explains how he leveraged print on demand and PDF publishing technology to start his game supplement company.

Later the D6G team takes a look at a wide variety of technologies that can be used...

D6G Merchandise now available..

May 15, 2009

The response to our new logo has been great.  And we're very excited to announce a new D6G merchandise line featuring the "Charlie" D6G logo and some of our favorite D6G tag lines.

Remember that purchasing D6G merchandise helps support the show, and gives us greater flexibility in the kind of events we cover in the...