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A “not too horrible” general gaming podcast in production for more years than we care to admit.

Dice are our vice.

Feb 20, 2016

Tom Vasel, the dean of board game podcasting, is back in the third chair!

Since we've got Tom on the show and WE KNOW Tom gets early access to all the coolest games, we decided to grill him on the upcoming hotness from Fantasy Flight Games: Star Wars Rebellion.  Does it play as cool as it looks?

And later Tom, Craig, and Russ dive into a detailed review of the viking filled game...Blood Rage from Cool Mini or Not.

 All that plus: 

- Total Fan Girl
- Do You Ever Notice 
- The Hollywood Minute
- App of the Ep
-  & More

If you'd like to discuss the show with us and others in our forum thread: click here.


The following fine organizations help make this show possible:



 ==Quick Reference==

App of the Ep: 1 hr 13 min

Star Wars Rebellion Preview: 1 hr 19 min 

Total Fan Girl: 2 hr 1 min

Hollywood Minute: 2 hr 6 min

Blood Rage Detailed review:  2 hr 14 min


 Links Discussed in the show:

Craig's Blog:

Russ's Blog:

Total Fan Girl Blog: Link

Dice Tower Network: Link